Frog Comm's Blog

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."Joshua 1:9

23 September 2008

Show Up

Our church is preparing to present Judgement House this Halloween week. Sunday we had a meeting as part of our preparation process. I shared with our group about my devotion I had that morning and also about an article I had read about “just showing up”. They both talked about folks who had some pretty incredible encounters, which started out by both of them just making conservation with a stranger. They both talked about how all they did was made a decision to start the conversation and the fact that it would have been easy to have not started it, but they felt led by God to start it. They both believed that God had put them there at that place and time and he had already taken care of all the details they just needed to show up and be obedient. So I talked to our group about taking advantage of the opportunities we will have leading up to Judgement House, that there will be opportunities to encourage each other and also opportunities to witness to others as we are inviting them to Judgement House. Now as Paul Harvey would say the rest of the story. This morning as I went down to feed my chickens before I headed to work I saw a rabbit on the side of the barn. I love to take pictures of wildlife and I actually had my camera in my car. I started to go ahead and take pictures of the rabbit, but I decided to go ahead and feed first. As I was getting the feed together I thought about a devotion I‘ve had in my head about my chickens and how they try and run out the door when I open it in the mornings. I’ve been meaning to take a picture of that also, so I told myself I’ll go ahead and feed, then take the chickens and the rabbit’s picture. So I went ahead and fed and when I finished I got my camera out and eased around the side of the barn to get the rabbit’s picture. He was gone, so opened up the chicken house door to get their picture coming out of course they were eating now and had no desire to come out right then. I missed both opportunities because I waited. God kinda thumped me on the head and said hey Barry those opportunities will be there for you to share about me, but not always. When I got to work I opened of my e-mail and found one that I had been saving for awhile to remind me to contact someone, but I just hadn’t taken the time to do it….I went ahead an made the contact this morning. That is what I would like to encourage you to do, look for those opportunities the share about him and take advantage of them right then, all you really need to do is show up and then be obedient he’s already taken care of the details.

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