Frog Comm's Blog

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."Joshua 1:9

15 December 2007


Wow two posts in one day! I’ve had a lot on my mind lately, but just haven’t had the time to put it down on paper. Today has been a rainy messy day, so I’ve spent a lot of time around the house and I’ve had time to think and also time to put my thoughts down. God has really been speaking to me about simplifying my life and slowing down. We spent last weekend with some friends of ours and it was just a slow weekend, we had lots of laughter, lots of time strengthening friendships, time creating new ones and time just putting things into perspective and all this was done around a camp fire, games were played with spoons, strings, sticks and a old ball and ropes. No special computer programs, no in depth rules, it didn’t matter who won or who lost, no scores were kept just plain and simple old fashion fun with friends.
I’m guilty of wanting all the newest, latest and greatest gadgets and wanting to stay in first class accommodations when I go somewhere. I say the newest, latest and greatest doesn’t matter but I catch my self letting it sometime.

I had an experience Wednesday night that just won’t leave my mind. It is just a small simple act from a child, but it has had a huge impact on me. As I said in some of my posts before I work with the boys of our church on Wednesday nights. This past Wednesday night one of the boys ran up to me and handed me an orange. He didn’t say much just here you go Mr. Barry and then off he went. I had always heard my Mom and Dad talk about just getting an orange and maybe an apple for Christmas and that they were proud of it. That has always been hard for me to put into perspective until now.

I must confess before I go any further though. I am eating the orange now as I’m typing this and yes it is good, very good and I must say this is the best orange I’ve ever eaten. It’s not the taste though that is making it so good. Like I said until now I have had it hard putting it into perspective that an orange could be such a good gift. You see the young man that gave the orange to me is very special to me, he always and I mean always speaks to me and says hi, no matter where we are at it doesn’t have to be at church, I’ve seen him in restaurants, down town and at ball games etc. and he always speaks to me. What he doesn’t know is that some of those times I have been having a bad day and I mean a really bad day and just his smile and the attention he gave me picked me up. I know this is in reverse I’m suppose to be the mentor/role model for him. He told me later on that night as we had a chance just to talk for a minute, that I was one of his three best buddies, I can’t remember the name of the other two, but I was one of his three best buddies. If I don’t get another gift this Christmas season it won’t matter I have already gotten the best gift I could and it was just a simple orange, but it was from my best buddy! God bless my little best buddy.

Mark 10:16 “And he took the children in his arms, put his hands on them and blessed them.”

Writing Letters

With my new job one of my duties is to read the incoming and outgoing mail. Oh in case I haven’t told you I work at a correctional facility now thus the requirement to read the mail. My attention has been caught by what is written in the mail. Some stuff I would never think of writing about, but then again for some this is the only way they have to communicate so I guess they have no choice. The one thing that has really gotten my attention is how the letters can change from talking about how God is the only way they will ever be able to get through what they are going through , talking about how they are going to be involved in church when they get out, to how they have really changed this time. Then in the very next paragraph they may switch and talk about they can’t wait to use drugs again or maybe they will give the person they are writing to a cussing. Then at the very end of the letter they will close with something like God loves us or maybe close with a bible verse. I’ve caught myself asking the question how they can do this. Then the other day I was thinking that I’m writing a letter everyday with my life and you know, I know sometimes God has asked himself how can he do this. I challenged myself to try and remember that each day I’m writing God a letter by how I live my life, by what I do and I say and even by what I don’t do or say. How about you what kind of letter are you writing God? Is he asking how can you do that?

05 December 2007

Large and Personal (Soda?)

I haven’t really had time to write lately, my retirement job has turned into a more than full time job, but that is not what this is about. I was reminded tonight how awesome and wonderful our God is, I was reminded about his magnitude and also how personal he is. I help teach the 4th through 6th grade boys at our church on Wednesday nights. Tonight we talked about Lottie Moon being a missionary and what an impact she has had on missions and about how important missions are in order for us to reach all the lost souls all over the earth. We talked about how God loved them just as much as he does us and the fact that there are literally millions of folks out there. This got me to thinking about what a large God we have and about how millions of people seem like so many, but when you add all the animals, birds and the other inhabits of the earth then you add all the stars, the planets well I guess when you add everything God seems so big so large and I seem so small. Then God reminded me in his own way that he loves me personally and is concerned about every minor detail in my life. Here is how he did it. After class one of our kids hung around and at first I was thinking dude you need to leave and go play with the other kids because I really needed to talk to one of my friends about a situation I’m facing right now. Anyway it was clear that this young man had something on his mind, so we asked him, what’s up man can we help you with something? He said I need you guys to pray for my Mom. My first thoughts were rut row is she sick, what kind of problem is she having? Then he said ya are going to think this is silly but my Mom has been drinking this certain brand of soda and she is trying to stop and it’s hard for her and can you guys pray for her. Proud of this kid does describe how I felt. This kid gets it, he understands it I guess he is really not a kid hunh?
I’ve been thinking over the experience again and again. God just seems to be speaking to me and saying see Barry I am with you in everything , I do care about all the minor details, Barry I am here all you have to do is call on me, Remember I gave my son so you could live….Barry don’t worry about the small stuff I’ve got your back……just follow me…….don’t forget follow me……….be obedient ……don’t say you will be obedient, be obedient and remember…….For I know the plans I have for you," declares the LORD, "plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. Jeremiah 29:11
Oh yea and Barry don’t forget I do care and I do understand even if the battle is a can of soda!