Frog Comm's Blog

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."Joshua 1:9

29 July 2007


The flowers in the picture were my responsibility. Yea rut row, I was out of town for a couple of weeks and I didn’t remind my wife or daughter to water them. From the looks of the picture, now that I have been watering them again the past few days two are going to make it, one might and one doesn’t look so good. Looking at those plants got me to thinking about how we as a church and fellow Christians do.
We went to the store and brought these flowers, watered them and took care of them. Then the new wore off and I was distracted by something (going out of town). The flowers stopped getting the attention they needed and now look at them.
Don’t we do that with new Christians, when they make that decision we love on them, hug on them, then when the new wears off we stop caring for them. We get distracted and leave it for someone else to do and usually don’t check and make sure it’s done. Then when they end up like the flower on the left in the picture we try and figure out what happened and course it’s not because of something we did…I believe the answer is something we didn’t do, don’t you?

28 July 2007

1st Hit

Well here’s my first post on our Frog Comm Blog. Not a lot has been going on lately with Frog Comm, I’ve been real busy my last few months with the Air Force and getting started with my new job. I guess I did it the hard way I over lapped the two, but that is not what this is about so we won’t go into that.

I had my first speaking opportunity with Frog Comm back on April the 29th it was the 1st Annual Dialysis Patient Family Fun Day at White Creek Lake in Eupora, MS. It was a great day and I thank God for the opportunity to share with and encourage them. I’m excited about what God has in store for us and have some new ideas for tracts that we’ll be working on real soon.

The picture above is a lesson God taught/reminded me of this week. It was almost dark one day this past week and I had to run down to the barn for something as I went out the front door I couldn't see the clouds because of the big oak trees across the road in front of our house. Our barn is only about 50 yards behind our house. When I turned around there was this beautiful view (the picture does not do it justice) the sun was setting and those huge white clouds were coming up in the east and the lights from the sunset was like a bright spotlight on them, then as you can see in the picture the moon was coming up also. It was just one of those times when you experience God's creation and can't find words to describe it. I thought to myself if I had never turned around, wow I would have missed it. Then God kinda thumped me on the head and said Barry if you only knew how many blessings you have missed because you tried to go your way and didn't turn around and go the way I was calling you!