Frog Comm's Blog

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."Joshua 1:9

18 June 2008

Radio Going Dead

I was riding to work yesterday morning and the battery on one of my radios was going dead, a little red light blinks on it to let me know this. I guess I have some type of disorder I just can’t stand to see that red light blinking. I will either turn the radio off and go to a back up or if a back up is not available I will turn the radio so I can’t see the light blinking. Yesterday I didn’t have a backup so I turned it so I couldn’t see the light. Right after I did that, it is was like God said Barry, man you do that same thing with the small little sins in you life. Instead of putting the radio on the charger and taking care of the problem you turn it so you can’t see the light. The problem is still there, the battery is going dead. Those small sins are still there you just ignore them, remember you think, well they aren’t hurting anyone and hey you’re the only one that knows about them, besides everyone else is doing them to (I think). With the radio what needs to be done is for the radio to be put on the charger and the problem will be fixed. With the sins they need to be addressed and repentance sought and then turned away from. If the radio isn’t put on the charger the radio is dead and useless. If the sins aren’t addressed and turned away from they will grow and eventually render me dead useless to God!
Song of Solomon 2:15 Catch for us the foxes, the little foxes that ruin the vineyards, our vineyards that are in bloom.

1 comment:

John said...

I've got a few of those blinking lights in my life. Thanks again for continuing to look at life and find these remarkable truths. Thanks also for letting God speak to you and through you. It's a blessing to be your friend.