Frog Comm's Blog

"Have I not commanded you? Be strong and courageous. Do not be terrified; do not be discouraged, for the LORD your God will be with you wherever you go."Joshua 1:9

12 March 2008


I got to experience one of what I consider to be the perks of my job today. Me and 3 other guys fingerprinted about a hundred kindergarten students. I know you are thinking are you crazy, but remember I love being around kids. What stood out to me today was the as I was fingerprinting each kid that each print for each finger on each child was different. Some were not so obvious then others were, some were big , some were small, some were short, some were long, and some kids already had scars on their fingers. It just got me to thinking how unique each of us are and how back in Genesis 2 it says God created us and he made us in his image.

Then I couldn’t help but to think out how unique each kid was and the fact that god knows each one of them and even the number of hairs on their head. And you know he knows each one of those unique fingerprints to. What a special and loving father we have that he would be involved in all the details of us, not just the major parts like our heart and lungs and brain etc. but every detail even down to the design of our fingerprints and the number of hairs on our head.

When I think about this I can only stand in awe to think the creator of the universe knows every detail of me personally!

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